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Nave Terra Flower Essences
Uritorco's Floral Essences System

Root Chakra


This essence interacts with muscular, nervous and spinal systems, relaxing muscle contractures.
Ideal to use with cream or oil
for massages.
It anchors us to the earth,
keeping us firm but flexible.

Sacral Chakra 



It acts on the lymphatic, urinary and reproductive systems,
helping to eliminate edema,
toxins and sexually acquired energy blockages.

Solar Plexus Chakra 



It acts on the digestive and excretor systems, helping to assimilate what is necessary and eliminate the rest.
This energetic center is ego's arena, where fears, control and manipulative mechanisms arise.
It is also a powerful environmental energy cleaner.




Heart Chakra 



Helps to regulate blood pressure; useful in palpitations
and panic attacks, jealousy, tantrums, helping to develop unconditional love
and a protective field
from energetic parasites.

Throat Chakra


It is the seat of communication and therefore this essence acts on the processes and diseases that make it difficult: angina, dental problems, stuttering, bruxism, etc.
Releases anxieties accumulated in the throat, favoring the expression of one's own truth.

Third Eye Chakra 



The third eye is the regulator of the sleep-wake cycle and internal vision, and its blockage generates addictive behaviors.
It helps us free ourselves from learned repetitive patterns to capture new insights.

Crown Chakra



Stimulates interhemispheric coordination, relieving stress, headaches, developing
multiple skills and


ERKS Water

Spring Water

This essence comes from a spring in a sacred territory and can be used as a Rescue Remedy,
to meditate, to work harmoniously as a team and as a catalyst for any other floral essence.

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